Claims - FAQ

Check out our FAQS for any answers you may want from making, or just understanding the claims process

In order to find out whether this is the case, you will have to contact us to start the case of investigating your situation. We will advise you of the chances of success free of charge and without any commitment from yourself.

As there is On a 'no win, no fee', it will not cost you as long as the information given to us is as accurate to the best of your knowledge.

You don't need to sign anything upfront, as such, you can just enquire through our contact form and we will let you know the possibilities from the case. You will be notified as soon as someone looks into your case. When you are completely satisfied will you be asked to sign the client care letter and the 'no win, no fee' agreements

Each case is decided on its own merit. SIPP pensions are fairly new and may take a while to investigate up to 6 months. For road traffic cases these typically take between 3 to 9 months. A large majority of cases are normally settled within 1 year.

Fill out our simple straight forward pension claims. Once we receive your enquiry, we will contact you within 24 hours! Someone from our specialist claims team will contact you and take more details with regards to your pension and explain the process.

Non-standard SIPP/Investment pensions are self-invested personal pensions provided by SIPP pension providers who no longer permit non-standard investments. Back in 2017, The FCA, (Financial Conduct Authority) asked SIPP pension providers about the high-risk investments they all currently hold. The FCA wanted to take action on this market as there were a high number of complaints from this sector according to statical data from the Financial Ombudsman. A Non-standard SIPP/Investment asset are those which cannot be valued correctly and can be immediately realised within 30days

Our panel lawyers will insure your case. So if you lose your claims case, you still have nothing to pay as long as you have not fabricated any information given from the commencement to the end. Solicitors will make a claim on the insurance for the other sides costs to cover costs involved.

Yes, of course, 100% of the compensation is guaranteed.

Claim form

Fill out our simple straight forward pension claims. Once we receive your enquiry, we will contact you within 24 hours. Someone from our specialist claims team will contact you and take more details of your claim and explain the process.